Rules and Regulations

  1. Practices

    1. Athletes are expected to arrive on time to practice. To respect the time of our coaches and facility, individuals should notify coaches of their absence at least 24 hours ahead of time. In the case of a sudden cancellation or absence, coaches will handle the situation at their discretion.

    2. Athletes are expected to only attend practices they are registered for. If they would like to make up a missed practice or reschedule a practice due to scheduling conflicts, they should contact a coach.

    3. MDA strictly prohibits bullying and putting others down. In addition to teaching athletes diving skills, we also strive to teach them good sportsmanship. We expect divers to encourage others. If you see or experience any instance of bullying or poor sportsmanship, immediately contact any member of staff that you are comfortable talking to. If you are not comfortable talking to someone directly, here is a form to report any form of bullying, misconduct, or poor sportsmanship. The form is also located in the footer of every page of this website. NOTE: This tool is meant to empower those who would like to stay anonymous. DO NOT abuse this tool. If this tool is not used properly, we will remove it and thereby taking away the ability for individuals to have a voice and speak out. 

    4. It’s important for MDA to create an environment that promotes positive youth development. Diving helps teach athletes to face their fears and push their boundaries. These lessons can be applied to various aspects of their life as they grow up. With that said, it’s important to understand that diving can become very “scary,” “difficult,” or “frustrating,” when learning specific dives. This is completely normal and part of the process. 

  2. Competitions

    1. Athletes registered for MDA competitive squads must compete under Minnesota Diving Academy at ALL club competitions. Including, but not limited to, USA Diving, AAU, and YMCA competitions. If a diver intends on competing for another team they are only eligible to take part in our recreational squads.

    2. Divers in the competitive program are expected to attend diving competitions throughout the year and participate in the USA Diving Junior Regional Championships each year. 

    3. Divers are expected to wear “Minnesota Diving Academy” gear during competitions. This includes, but is not limited to, warm-ups, t-shirts, and swimsuits. 

  3. USA Diving Membership 

    1. All athletes are required to have a USA Diving membership. You can sign up here.

      1. NOTE: If your diver moves up, they can upgrade to “Competition Athlete” mid-season. 

  4. Registration 

    1. Athletes will be allowed one “try-out” practice to make sure MDA is a good fit for them before registering.

    2. Registration closes 24 hours prior to the first day of the season.


    1. Communication is VERY important to MDA. If any questions, concerns, or issues arise please contact MDA immediately or one of the coaches immediately. (see contact information in footer below)